Palestinian Authority ID

Personal Story Struggling to Survive in the Khirbet Khamis Enclave

Life is unbearable for Palestinian residents of Khirbet Khamis, an enclaved village near Bethlehem surrounded by the wall and an oppressive checkpoint.

Video Everything Is Forbidden

What happens when the state all but decrees that life itself is not permitted? This is the situation that Palestinian residents of al-Nabi Samwil find themselves in.

Personal Story The Perils of Entrapment in al-Khalayla

Cold, arbitrary political decisions prevented Watan’s timely access to medical services and left her in a wheelchair; years later, similar calculations may have led to her death.

Short Take Total Closure Days (vs. General Closure)

A quick overview of the “total closure day” and how it operates within the larger closure regime.

Backgrounder Precarious, Not Permanent: The Status Held by Palestinian Jerusalemites (Pt. 1)

An in-depth look at the extraordinarily precarious legal status held by Palestinian Jerusalemites, and how it has become more precarious over time

Backgrounder Banned from Entry

How hundreds of thousands of Palestinians are banned from ever entering Jerusalem

Personal Story Sick While Blacklisted, and the Care You Need Is Found Only in Jerusalem

The closure of Jerusalem means severe hardships for those outside the city who seek care that is only available in it. Salma, a cancer patient, shares.

Personal Story Navigating Closure as an “Illegal” in My Own City

An unannounced closure leaves a Jerusalemite native stranded at Qalandiya checkpoint, with no way home.

Personal Story Denied Status Despite Repeated Attempts, a Mother of Five Lives as a Fugitive and a Prisoner in Her Own Home

When she married at 18, Ayah hoped to expand her world. She soon found that her range of motion did not extend beyond the nearest checkpoint.