
Short Take Total Closure Days (vs. General Closure)

A quick overview of the “total closure day” and how it operates within the larger closure regime.

Feature Story Internal Closure Imposed on Sheikh Jarrah

Closure is not only imposed on Palestinian access to the city of Jerusalem as a whole; it is also imposed on Palestinian access to their own neighborhoods—in this case, Sheikh Jarrah in East Jerusalem.

Personal Story A Math Teacher Faces a Difficult Choice

Punctuality is required for teachers. For one Jerusalem teacher living behind the checkpoint, a drastic life change was the only solution.

Video Five Minutes from Home

Jerusalem International Airport, once a gateway for an open region to the world, offers a study in sharp contrasts to the area’s present closure regime.

Personal Story Navigating Closure as an “Illegal” in My Own City

An unannounced closure leaves a Jerusalemite native stranded at Qalandiya checkpoint, with no way home.

Backgrounder Jerusalem: A Closed City

Closure, a “temporary” measure introduced in 1991, is the system that controls Palestinians’ movement and blocks millions from accessing Jerusalem.